
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

And the Zero Barriers Nominated Business Winners Are…
How It Works

The Journey

First Step

Self Assessment Form

Take the Zero Barriers Self Assessment to determine how accessible and inclusive your business or service is. You may request to speak to a Zero Barriers Officer, who can talk to you about how you can improve disability access to your business or service.

Get Accessible

Second Step

Implement Changes

Use the Zero Barriers Accessibility Guide to implement changes to reduce barriers and increase access and inclusion for people with disability or in need of assistance.

Final Step

Join the Community

Become a part of the Zero Barriers community! Receive and display Zero Barriers Logo, be included in the Zero Barriers Business Directory and receive the Zero Barriers Newsletter. You will also qualify for nomination for the annual Zero Barriers Business Excellence Awards.

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