Our Story
Zero Barriers was created to help eliminate barriers for people with disability by creating a more accessible and inclusive business community.
Developed by The Multicultural Network in 2017, the project takes a practical approach, working with businesses and services to make small changes that increase their community reach and make them inclusive and accessible for people with disability and those that need help in their day-to-day lives.
Our project enjoys the support of many Government and business agencies. 13 NSW Councils are current members of Zero Barriers.
What We Do
We Educate
We educate businesses and services about accessibility and inclusion barriers encountered by those with disability and those who need assistance.
We Support
We support businesses and services to become more disability friendly.
We Promote
We recognise and promote businesses and services that are committed to eliminating barriers for people with disability.
How the Zero Barriers
Logo Came to Be
The Zero Barriers logo was designed by a group of people with disability in consultation with a local art therapist. When a customer sees the Zero Barriers logo, they can rest assured that this business or service is disability friendly.
It’s easier than you might think to become a part of Zero Barriers. Just complete the Self-Assessment Form, and use the tips and suggestions provided under the ‘Accessibility Guide’ tab of this website to make your business more disability friendly. Once verified, we will mail you the Zero Barriers logo sticker as well as a digital logo to use in your promotional material and your website.
Once recognised as a Zero Barriers business or service, we publish details of your business in the Zero Barriers Directory where customers with disability and their families can find accessible businesses. You will also qualify to enter the Zero Barriers Business Excellence Awards.
Do you know a business or service that is accessible and inclusive?
Please nominate them to be listed in Zero Barriers’ Business Directory by telling us about them.
Supporters Along The Way
Zero Barriers could have never come as far as it has in promoting accessibility and inclusiveness without the support of these key contributors. We encourage you to learn more about them.