Zero Barriers

Effectively Connecting Businesses With Their Communities

Connect & Strategically cater to the 1 in 5 Australians with disabilities and improve your accessibility and inclusion ratings.

Why Zero Barriers?

It's good for business

Almost 1 in 5 Australians have some kind of disability. That is a huge segment of the population. Often Called 'the overlooked  consumer', customers with disability have spending power and choices. They are vocal about the type of service they receive. Meeting the needs of customers with disability means more business and increased profitability.

It shows you care

Being inclusive and accessible shows that your business cares about the whole community and that you are respectful of all people, irrespective of their ability.

It's Easy

Being disability inclusive doesn’t have to involve huge changes or major renovations. In many cases, small layout changes, minor inclusions and an understanding of how to better communicate with customers with disability is all that is required.

It's the law

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the Act) makes it unlawful to discriminate, in the provision of goods, services or facilities, against people on the basis that they have, or may have, a disability.

The Benefits

What's in it for your business?

Businesses and services that become a part of the Zero Barriers Project can benefit in a number of ways:

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Gain access to the Zero Barriers' Accessibility Guide as well as our Monthly Newsletter with details on all the latest industry news and updates.

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